
Berkeley Innovators: Jeff Hu, MEng ’20, Turing Chain

Upon meeting at a blockchain conference in San Francisco, Taiwanese entrepreneur Yao-Chieh (Jeff) Hu so impressed several Berkeley thought leaders in attendance that they invited him to become a research scholar in the UC Berkeley Blockchain Lab.

UNESCO: Turing Certs combat la fraude en validant les certificats grâce à la blockchain

La startup taïwanaise TuringChain propose aux établissements d’éducation, aux étudiants et aux entreprises une nouvelle méthode de certification et d’authentification qui repose sur sa solution blockchain Turing Certs.

e27: TuringCerts combats fraud with blockchain-powered certificate validation

Turing Certs is a product by the whitehat hackers and programmers behind Turing Chain that uses blockchain to create tamper-proof e-portfolios.

UC Berkeley Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership: Yao-Chieh Hu, MEng ’20 (IEOR)

Yao-Chieh Hu, MEng ’20 (IEOR/FinTech), shares his journey to Berkeley Master of Engineering (MEng), from competing in the World Robotics Olympiad to working at J.P. Morgan to founding TuringCerts and TuringChain.

Draper University: Third place, Turing Certs (Jeff Hu)

Zero fraud & zero paper solution that helps 80+ schools adopt tamper-proof Blockchain Credentials, including Berkeley Law.

Manila Bulletin - Technology News: T.I.P. SEBI Tech pioneers blockchain-powered digital certificates for schools

SEBI Technologies, Inc. (SEBI Tech), a spin-off company of the Technological Institute of the Philippines (T.I.P.), has pioneered the development of blockchain-encrypted digital certificates in the Philippines.

Meet Global: Taiwanese blockchain startup Turing Certs enters European campus, students can expect to receive blockchain diplomas

Turing Certs issued the first blockchain diploma with National Tsinghua University, one of Taiwan's top-tier universities. With eyes set on the global market, Turing Certs is currently undergoing proof of concept (POC) with European University, meaning that they are testing product feasibility in the European market.

DIGITAL JOURNAL: Turing Chain: Paving the Way to One-Click Verification

Turing Chain envisions a world completely without fake data. Evolving from HKUST and UC Berkeley, the company has launched a smart city network called Turing Certs for Credential Endorsements and Proof of Evidence. The company is currently focused on targeting the education and real estate markets.

TEDxAnping: 胡耀傑 - 用科技萃取世界的真實




聯合新聞網:文化大學推數位畢業證書 掃QR碼就能查


自由時報:假證書OUT ! 國立暨南國際大學進階區塊鏈證書認證


CIO Taiwan: 以區塊鏈鎖定數位學歷 圖靈鏈促成TEPA成立


經濟部:第5屆國際創新創業訓練營G Camp,攜手10X Innovation Lab協助臺灣新創開拓國際市場

為協助臺灣新創企業挹注國際化能量,經濟部中小企業處自107年起推動「國際創新創業訓練營」(以下簡稱 G Camp),已成功培育超過55家以上新創團隊進軍國際市場、累計創造新臺幣7,000萬商機。

中央社:北商大力拚數位轉型 攜手台灣圖靈鏈公司推出區塊鏈電子證書

受疫情影響,學生無法到校領取畢業證書,因此北商大攜手台灣圖靈鏈公司宣布正式採用區塊鏈電子證書,為全台第二所採用區塊鏈電子畢業證書的大專院校,將於今年 7 月 30 日起開始發放電子畢業證書予 109 年度應屆畢業生,預計發放人數將達2,200人 (包含日間和進修學制)。

自由時報:竹中採用區塊鏈證書 全國第一所



除了比特幣外,區塊鏈還能怎麼改變我們的生活? 胡耀傑以區塊鏈技術發明「圖靈證書」,徹底改變教育體制內的證書系統。

